hong kong space museum omnimax

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9dKwYLMx7w0/SxXac9j7-BI/AAAAAAAAAO8/UoBWfa4Qvn8/hong%20kong%20space%20museum.jpghong kong space museum
hong kong space museum omnimaxhong kong space museum imax
Hong Kong Cultural Center is located beside the first so in Hong Kong to promote astronomy and space science theme of the planetarium. Space Museum covers an area of 8,000 square meters. It is specially designed egg-shaped building, has become Hong Kong's unique markings.
Space Museum points east and west wings. The east wing of egg is the core of the Space Museum, which consists of Theater, Space Science Gallery, Omnimax film screening room, a number of production workshops and office; the West Wing is equipped with an astronomical exhibition hall, auditorium, bookstore and astronomy office.

Theater equipped with up to 23 meters in diameter dome screen, in addition to the Eastern Hemisphere with the first Omnimax movie projection equipment, the more one has the world's first fully automatic control system for astronomical Sky Show Museum. Each year, the Hong Kong Space Museum produced two multi-media planetarium shows and an excellent selection of foreign films in the museum field day playing.Victoria Peak is good.

Exhibition hall is divided into two main parts: the ground floor and first floor of the Space Science Exhibition Hall of Astronomy. Jieke majority of the exhibits hall audience to personally participate in, can be described as having fun.

2 评论:

Bosch Waschmaschinen said...

So lovely and more beautiful space museum because in this place is very famous and interesting that can be more enjoy it.which consists of Theater, Space Science Gallery, Omnimax film screening room, a number of production workshops and office; the West Wing is equipped with an astronomical exhibition hall, auditorium, bookstore and astronomy office.

beds said...

More lovely and interesting site that can be enjoy it in this workshops and office; the West Wing is equipped with an astronomical exhibition hall, auditorium, bookstore and astronomy office.

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